Disk No: 2033 Disk Title: RAMbase Accounting PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: RAMbase Accounting Author Version: 4.11 Author Registration: $35.00 Special Requirements: None. Fast, faster, fastest are ways to describe this program. The program is run completely within RAM [RBA: RamBase Accounting] and you can tell the difference in speed quickly. To be sure, data is saved to disk, but only when you request it. Consequently, data can be lost more easily than with other programs, but with a little practice this can be overcome. Keeping everything in RAM does cause some difficulties. The menus are one example. They are somewhat cluttered, but on the upside, context- sensitive help is but a key [F1] away. Reading the manual is critical to using the program correctly. For one thing, there are no account numbers and only the manual clarifies how things mesh. Nevertheless, for those willing to stay with it, RBA [RamBase Accounting] is a fast accounting program that will track inventory, clients, receivables, payables and more. It does not use account numbers and is run entirely within RAM. In addition, invoices can be produced and printed quickly which is something that many other accounting programs only dream about. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.